Friday Favorites: Workout Clothes

Let’s be honest---even sweating through an intense workout can be made a little more enjoyable when wearing something comfortable that you feel good in. I’m sure it’s mostly psychological, but I always save my favorite workout pieces for harder days or longer runs because they give me a little extra confidence (I’m sure Drew is rolling his eyes at the amount a “little extra confidence” can cost). In my defense, there are plenty of areas that I couldn’t care less to spend money (designer purses, cosmetics, expensive furniture, etc)--but I spend a lot of time in athletic clothes, and it’s worth the investment.

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Staying Motivated-- Thoughts on Consistency

I think this is probably the most difficult part of many people’s health journey and the most frequent question I am asked. It’s not a simple fix and it takes time, effort and making it part of your daily routine. Everyone’s lives are different--different challenges to their schedule, preferences with their workouts, limitations with their diet, etc. One truth remains the same, the benefits of frequent exercise and a healthy diet are worth overcoming whatever limitations and challenges that stand in your (Ok, there was the tough love, but keep reading.....I get nicer).

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