Utah Day 1: Itinerary always FULL

So, the other day Drew tried to slip the idea of buying a tricked out van to travel out West into our conversation….and he was dead serious. As with most things he says, this idea was prefaced by research, thought, number-crunching and an adventuresome spirit. And in stark contrast, my response was rash, narrow-minded and less than supportive. I’m working on reactions to ideas that aren’t my own and how I handle the one opportunity I have to give my “first impression.”

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Social Media (Utah Edition): Potentially Good, Inevitably Not....

Now it may seem that Drew and I float off to different places on a whim without a care in the world, but it’s not quite that glamorous and I’d like to shed some light on the perfectly curated, edited world of social media and how we interact with it. Something happened as we made our way through the Greenville airport that grounded me quickly--

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Friday Favorites: Workout Clothes

Let’s be honest---even sweating through an intense workout can be made a little more enjoyable when wearing something comfortable that you feel good in. I’m sure it’s mostly psychological, but I always save my favorite workout pieces for harder days or longer runs because they give me a little extra confidence (I’m sure Drew is rolling his eyes at the amount a “little extra confidence” can cost). In my defense, there are plenty of areas that I couldn’t care less to spend money (designer purses, cosmetics, expensive furniture, etc)--but I spend a lot of time in athletic clothes, and it’s worth the investment.

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