From running to Weights

This blog is something that I hope to read when I’m 105, so reliving the glory days of young knees and sweaty runs will have to be documented in case I will have slowed down by then. I have no doubt I will look back on my life with thoughts of areas I should have given less attention to, and plenty to which I should have given more, but a love exercise is something God knitted deep into my heart with a purpose. I have a feeling exercise will have some very sweet memories of my kids, women I never would have met otherwise, and personal victories as I reflect some day.

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Move Sweat Shred: Q & A

I answered over 200 individual questions about the Move Sweat Shred Guide on Tuesday’s post and I couldn’t have been happier to do that. I would never want to start something or spend money on something unless I had all the answers, so thank you for asking! 



1. Can I Modify the Guide for 3-4 Workouts a Week?

YES. I guide is not all or nothing--it is NOT success or failure, it is NOT results or nothing. You WILL see results if you are consistent with these workouts even if it is not every day. The guide has 5 unique workouts every week (no repetition), but that does not mean you have to get them all in each week. You can also break them up and complete different cardio sessions with different resistance workouts--just as long as you get it in and are pushing yourself, you will see results.

(tip: I recommend skipping Cardio + Abs, since the other workout days incorporate those often) 

2. Can the Workouts be Performed at Home? With What Equipment?

YES. There are women who have already completed the entire 8 week guide from home. You will need to modify about 5% of the guide, but I provide those modifications to you upon e-mail request (

Equipment: Step, dumbbells, kettlebell (dumbbell works also), medicine ball (5-10lbs) and resistance cables to be used in place of cable machines and an inflated exercise ball (although not required)

3. How Long do the Workouts Take? What if I only have 30-45 minutes?

People of average fitness level typically complete an entire workout in about an hour or a few minutes over. HOWEVER, circuit training is SO simple to follow that you can simply shorten a workout by not repeating a circuit and moving on to the next instead.


4. Does the Guide Have Weight Recommendations to Help Choose for Given Exercises?

What About Videos for Form Guidance?

Yes. It has suggested weights for exercises, but it also gives clear guidelines on how YOU can determine what weight is right for you. (Hint: the last two repetitions of an exercise should be very difficult). Each exercise is linked to a video so you can check your form to be sure you are performing properly.

MSS Guide Weeks 1-2 (4).jpg

5. Does the Guide Include Cardio Recommendations?

Yes. The guide has two HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts a week, LISS (low intensity steady state) and steady state cardio that is not required, but recommended based on your goals. It is all outlined in each workout and found in the introductory information.

This guide is very “friendly” to runners and I’ve provided a detailed post on how I recommend incorporating it into a training program.

Below is an excerpt from the guide

MSS Guide Weeks 1-2 (1).jpg


6. Does the Guide Include Nutrition?

Meal Plans?

Will I See Results Without Tracking Macros?

My nutrition support is an 8 Week Macro coaching program, but I am currently full and not taking on new clients. Macro counting is NOT required to see results, but some people prefer to do the two together. As long as you are eating in accordance with your body’s caloric needs, you will see physical changes in performing the guide without macro counting.

If you are interested in the coaching for the future, subscribing to the blog notifies you of availability.


MSS Guide Weeks 1-2 (3).jpg





Exercise Smarter, Not Necessarily Harder

This training technique marries two elements of training that are synergistic even though most people never bridge the gap. There is so much inner strength to be gained from the discipline of exercise, but there is also tremendous frustration when a person’s efforts seem futile in the results they are hoping to see outwardly. Strategic circuit training will change the cycle, accelerate results and have you excited for each new challenge. 

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Be STRONG to RUN-- Strength vs. Cardio

Let’s get right to it-- this post is for all my running friends out there who know strength training needs to be a bigger part of their routine, but don’t know exactly where to start or just have trouble staying consistent. If you asked me to write this post two years ago, I wouldn’t have much to say because I ran all the time, loved it and suffered through strength half-heartedly out of conviction, not enjoyment.

Fast forward two years and I’m at a point so happy and excited with strength training that I am having a hard time training for the Boston marathon because it means giving up some of the time I spend circuit training (I NEVER would have predicted that). I still LOVE to run and want to improve as a runner because it will always be one of the most invigorating, mind-clearing, endorphin-boosting, challenging, satisfying form of exercise to me,

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I can’t offer insight into many areas of your life, but I can promise you that each of those many areas will improve if your body is healthy, strong and equipped to live well. I say that with every ounce of understanding that our health is in God’s hands and people will face trials that no amount of human effort could prevent or change. For many, exercise is not a means to an end in itself-- it is a box to be checked just as brushing one’s teeth.

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