Meet My Friend, Becky!!

I like to think of Becky as a "pen pal," We haven't met in person, but our interests in running, healthy foods, and educating and inspiring others made us fast friends. I tell her once a week that she needs to open a restaurant because her food on any given day looks like a publication in Clean Eats magazine!

With the brightest smile, biggest heart, here's my friend, Becky

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My name is Becky LaChance. I’m a Critical Care nurse, social media influencer, and marathon runner. I have run 5 marathons & 12 half marathons. I am currently training for the Chicago Marathon this fall.

Almost 4 years ago I decided I wanted to get more serious about my health, nutrition, and fitness. I decided to purchase the Tone It Up nutrition plan and start an Instagram account to help keep me accountable. I started sharing all my workouts and the food I was eating. I loved making the Tone It Up recipes and taking pictures of my food to post on Instagram. I moved to Southern California from Connecticut shortly after I created my healthy living Instagram account. I finally had my own kitchen out here, and Whole Foods and Trader Joes were now within walking distance from my apartment. I started spending my days off from work creating my own recipes and posting them on social media. I also started running outside more since I was living so close to the beach. 

Over time, I fell more and more in love with running and how it made me feel. When I began training for my first marathon last year, I quickly learned how important nutrition was. I went into a lot of my runs under fueled. I remember going out for my first 18 miler and feeling hungry by mile 13. I wasn’t eating enough to get me through those long training runs. I began working with KatiesFitScript last spring as I continued training for more races. I was eating more than ever now, staying lean, and finally felt like I was fueling myself properly. 

I started getting more and more creative with my meals, especially breakfast. I wanted to give myself something to look forward to after a training run or gym session. I began making delicious waffles and stacks of french toast to refuel with and share on my Instagram account. I never thought that I would be ok with having a waffle after I worked out. I always associated waffles with unhealthy fats and tons of sugar. 

After running 5 full marathons in the past two years, I have become a strong believer in the importance of refueling yourself properly with the right amount of carbs, protein, and healthy fat to help with your body’s recovery process. I really enjoy sharing with my followers that you can make fun recipes in the kitchen and still achieve your goals in the gym and running. You can make a loaded acai bowl or protein packed stack of french toast to have after your workout and not throw all your hard workfrom the gym out the window for the day. 

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One of my favorite post-workout meals is Protein French Toast:

French Toast brings me back to my childhood. It was one of my favorite dishes shared at the table when I was growing up. When I started becoming more serious about my health and fitness, protein french toast became one of my favorite recipes. Typically french toast is low in protein, however, my recipe contains protein powder and collagen peptides, which helps repair muscles after a workout and also keeps you feeling full and satisfied.


Makes 2 slices of French Toast

  • 2 slices Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread
  • 3 tbsp egg whites
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon protein powder (vanilla tastes great too)
  • 1 tbsp collagen peptides
  • dash of cinnamon
  • 3 tbsp cashew milk (or more if mixture is too thick)
  • coconut oil


In a large bowl, stir together the egg whites, protein powder, collagen peptides, cashew milk, and cinnamon. Soak the slices of bread in the mixture, making sure to coat both sides. If mixture is too thick- more cashew milk can be added. Next, heat up a pan on the stovetop with coconut oil. Place the coated bread slices onto the pan and cook until golden brown on both sides (about 3-4 mins per side). Once cooked, feel free to top with some fresh fruit, yogurt, or nut butter. Enjoy! :)

-Becky LaChance     Instagram: becks_liveshealthy