What Does Tighter Together New Year 2023 Programming Look Like?

Whether you’re on the fence about joining us this challenge and need more information, or are just excited to see what the next 5 weeks have in store for you, we’re here to help walk you through the Tighter Together New Year 2023 Challenge!

Designed to be a “push” phase, with SIX workouts each week with strategic elements to maximize results and efficiency for a short time, this 5 Week Progressive Overload Focused Training Program is ONLY available through the Tighter Together New Year 2023 Challenge!

Let’s dive in 👊


Thousands of Moves Members train together using various programs within Moves App designed to maximize specific results, but for the Tighter Together challenges, we come together for a bit of an ALL-STAR program that takes things up a notch for a set period of time.

Let’s go over the “workout split” which is the essentially how a workout program divides up the week into specific sessions by muscle group, movement, specific body part, etc. 


WORKOUT SPLIT (unique to Tighter Together): 

It’s recommended to follow the foundational training days for a 3 day per week split and any accessory days you have time for are an added bonus!

  • Monday - Foundational Upper Push & LISS Cardio

  • Tuesday - Foundational Lower Body

  • Wednesday - Accessory Conditioning & Deep Core

  • Thursday - Foundational Upper Pull & LISS Cardio

  • Friday - Accessory Glutes, Shoulders & Deep Core

  • Saturday - Full Body Benchmark 

  • Sunday - REST

Programming Highlights:

Foundational training days are designed to maximize each session with main lifts and accessory compound lifts targeted towards progressive overload using major movement patterns beneficial for strength and functionality while accessory isolation work focuses on hypertrophy aimed at aesthetic and injury prevention goals.

Accessory training and benchmark sessions bring the heat with athleticism, deep core, functional training and added volume to key muscle groups (glutes, shoulders, core)

Maximum Mobility:

New PT led guided warm ups, cool down, live Pelvic Floor PT workouts and the NEW "Deload Week" built into training program perfect for either a week of travel (shorter sessions) or the necessary reduction in training volume to avoid burnout and finish the challenge strong! Full Body and Deep Core sessions with mobility and recovery protocols woven in, optional preferred cardio days, etc.

As always exercises include built-in options to accommodate various fitness levels, medical histories, and time demands such as our 30 minute EXPRESS option to meet you wherever you are at on your fitness journey! 


Still have questions?

Here are the top 3 questions we get asked about Tighter Together:

HOW DOES IT DIFFER FROM Weekly Moves or Other Programs on Moves App?

Tighter Together maximizes the body compositional changes and performance improvements with a very specific approach to program structure, exercise selection and cardio inclusion (think everything you love about Strength Moves combined with Weekly Moves and Endurance Moves sprinkled in throughout).

6 workouts available per week (advanced approach), 3-5 recommended per week (beginner to intermediate), progressive cardio block recommendations, injury-prevention strategies (wrist pain resource, new guided cool downs, etc). Workouts designed to maximize a gym setting if available or home setting with programmed alternatives for both machines and home equipment. It also includes many DELICIOUS recipes and a macro calculation along with an amazingly enthusiastic community to be working out with!


At Home or Gym Friendly?


Moves App is 100% At-Home Friendly with minimal equipment, however workout app users enjoy alternative exercises for both machine and at-home options so you are easily accommodated if your environment ever changes!



Is there a 30 Minute Option? 


Moves App has a new feature that all TT members have access to! Each workout, you will be prompted to select your preferred time frame for the day: 30 Minutes or 60 Minutes– we know your schedule may change and the workout will perfectly accommodate your needs for the day. 


Ready to Join the Challenge? SIGN UP NOW